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Chiropractic Care for Chronic Pain in Charlotte, NC

Chronic pain is an extremely common condition that can be brought on by a specific injury, recurring stress on the body, or even natural wear and tear. Individuals can also frequently experience chronic pain that is unspecific to a specific accident or cause of their symptoms. No matter what the reasoning behind a patient’s chronic pain, Keith Clinic is here to offer non-invasive treatment through the implementation of various chiropractic therapies.

How Do I Know If I Suffer from Chronic Pain?

In order for an individual to be diagnosed with chronic pain, they must encounter one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Pain that lasts for more than 6 months after an injury
  • Increasing intensity of painful symptoms
  • Pain caused by minimal activities such as walking, sitting, or standing that should in no way be uncomfortable

It is all too easy for individuals to ignore their painful symptoms and continue thinking that eventually all of their problems will just go away. Sadly, this avoidance to treatment only tends to worsen the person’s quality of life as they progress slowly over time, and can also take much longer to treat as compared to those who seek assistance for their chronic pain right away.

If you have been struggling with recurring pain and are unable to find relief on your own, we urge you to contact the specialists at Keith Clinic and schedule a consultation to diagnose your symptoms. Once our providers have more information about your current condition, they can proceed to offer their best recommendations on what type of treatment may offer the biggest benefit to you.

How Our Chiropractors Treat Chronic Pain

Our chiropractic methods generally work best to treat chronic pain caused by conditions of the spine. This can include:

  • Whiplash
  • Sciatica
  • Migraines
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Kyphosis
  • Herniated disc
  • Spondylolisthesis
  • Spondylosis

A majority of our patients will receive treatments involving a combination of therapeutic exercises, manual therapies, and spinal manipulation. These techniques are each designed to improve an individual’s range of motion while aligning the spine at the same time to prevent painful symptoms from occurring. 

Many chiropractors will also suggest exercises and perhaps even medications in order to reduce inflammation and promote a healthier lifestyle that can continue to reduce the patient’s pain levels. These treatments can be especially useful for patients that seek effective results without having to undergo a serious surgical procedure.

Schedule an Appointment

If you are interested in learning more about Keith Clinic and its approach to treating chronic pain, please call our office in Charlotte today to schedule an appointment with one of our certified chiropractors.

Freedom Dr

(704) 392-3000

Central Ave

(704) 940-4000

Sugar Creek

(704) 461-0744