Everyone has a sleep number…
It’s the hours of sleep that make you feel refreshed when you wake up and stay sharp all day. It may be 7 or 8 hours, which is what most adults need. Some require 9. A minority of us feel rested with 6.
Hitting your number consistently is vital to good health, ranking up there with diet and exercise.
But, routinely missing the mark creates a sleep deficiency that could increase your risk for serious, long-term problems such as obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease or dementia.
A lot of us value sleep, but some don’t understand how vital it is. We often stay up late working on a computer or trying to create personal time for ourselves. While that’s important, it shouldn’t take away from your sleep because it is vital to good health.
More than 35 percent of adults report getting less than 7 hours of sleep, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That number jumps to nearly 40 percent in the 45-to-54 age group.
Often, there’s a medical reason your sleep is being disrupted, including obstructive sleep apnea, insomnia, narcolepsy, or restless leg syndrome.
How lack of sleep hurts you
Not getting adequate sleep can mean more than just feeling out of it the next day.
Your reaction time will be slower. Cognitive function, memory, and your immune system are negatively affected, too, making it more likely you could get sick.
Long-term effects of not enough good sleep can include being at higher risk for high blood pressure, increased blood sugar levels, obesity, and heart problems.
Your body responds best by consistently getting enough sleep. Some people think staying up late three nights in a row, then catching up with 12 hours on a weekend night will even things out. Nope. It’s better to get the right amount of sleep every night to benefit your health.
How lack of sleep hurts you Tips to improve your sleep ‘hygiene’
So how do you ensure routinely getting the sleep your body requires? There are factors you can control that are helpful to snagging quality sleep and being alert the next day.
- Allow enough time for sleep.
- Make your bedroom dark, cool and quiet.
- Don’t sleep with the television on.
- Avoid caffeine after 2 p.m.
- Avoid any illuminated screen, including your cellphone, in the hour before bedtime.
- Limit alcohol intake.
Alcohol can relax you and help you to fall asleep faster, but it actually leads to poor quality sleep later in the night.
Schedule an appointment
If you have an issue that’s affecting your sleep, you can schedule an appointment with a Keith Clinic Estramonte Chiropractic provider today to get the care you deserve at keithclinic.com.