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How a Chiropractor Can Help You De-Stress After the Holidays

Holiday stress is real.

It’s a month (or more) of high-volume planning, shopping, traveling, hosting, cleaning, worrying, etc. that can overwhelm you. Anxiety, stress, and depression can ruin your holiday spirit and have you reeling as you begin the new year.

That stress affects your body in a variety of ways, but a visit to Keith Clinic Estramonte Chiropractic can help you ward off potential holiday damage.

Stress can cause muscle tension, which can lead to lower back pain, and tight shoulders, and neck pain. If left unchecked, extended periods of high stress can lead to tension headaches and migraines.

GPR - Global Postural Re-education, neck adjustmentHow can a chiropractor help?

  • A chiropractic adjustment can help restore the proper alignment throughout your body, which can relax your tight muscles, improve your sleep quality and lead to overall better health.
  • An adjustment of your spine can relieve tension and pressure on your nervous system, allowing it to communicate better and connect with your whole body.
  • A chiropractor can counsel you on your nutrition, which can help increase your energy and reduce your fatigue. Eating well can lead to strong immunity and put you in a better mood, a great way to battle post-holiday stress.
  • A chiropractor can offer guidance on how you can exercise and what plan is best for you. Everyone’s different and will follow other exercise routines. Talk to your chiropractor about what’s best for you.

The busy holiday season has built-in stress, and it’s something we all face year-round in smaller doses. But it doesn’t have to crush you physically and mentally heading into the new year.

Visit Keith Clinic Estramonte Chiropractic for treatment that could help limit your stress levels and make you feel better.