We all have headaches from time to time, but sometimes it’s a larger issue that could benefit from a chiropractor’s care.
Continue reading “Headaches: They’re Common, But Not Normal. A Chiropractor Can Help!”
We all have headaches from time to time, but sometimes it’s a larger issue that could benefit from a chiropractor’s care.
Continue reading “Headaches: They’re Common, But Not Normal. A Chiropractor Can Help!”
Here are nine things you can do (and not do) to make your heart healthier, which could lead to improving your overall health.
If you’ve experienced any kind of muscle, bone, or joint pain, your healthcare provider may have referred you to a chiropractor to help alleviate your symptoms.
Continue reading “Top 4 Benefits of a Chiropractic Adjustment”
Health insurance can be confusing.
Continue reading “What is a Deductible (and Other Insurance Terms)?”
A new year brings resolutions, often involving more exercise. That’s admirable, but if you haven’t worked out in a while or you’re fairly new, you’ll be dealing with soreness and stiffness.
Continue reading “Your New Exercise Plan = New Pains. Here’s How KCEC Can Help!”
Many of us have pledged exercise as a New Year’s resolution. If you’re not a gym member or don’t have a sweet set-up at home, you’re hitting the outdoors in January.
Continue reading “7 Quick Tips to Exercising in Cold Weather”
Holiday stress is real.
Continue reading “How a Chiropractor Can Help You De-Stress After the Holidays”
The holiday season often means travel for many of us, but it doesn’t have to wreck your health.
Continue reading “10 Tips to Stay Healthy During Holiday Travel”
Treating pain isn’t always about what’s in your medicine cabinet. Sometimes, the solution is in your refrigerator.
Continue reading “Foods that Help Inflammation and Some That Don’t”
Your shoulder is one of your most intricate joints and the most mobile.