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Author: Adam Hummell

The Problem with “Quick Fix” Diets

You’re at your annual physical and your nurse leads you to that dreaded scale. After removing your shoes and all the contents from your pockets, you step on and the number comes up. After a year of quarantine and a year of trying to feel like you’re back to normal living, the number is a bit higher than you’d prefer to see.

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Why ‘Tech Neck’ Is So Harmful to Our Health – and How to Prevent It

If you’ve spent hour after hour staring at a computer screen or your cell phone, you’re probably familiar with the discomfort that results from your screen time sessions. ‘Tech Neck’ is the term used for the soreness, stiffness, and general discomfort caused by the repetitive strain from bending your head forward to look at an electronic screen. ‘Tech Neck’ can cause long-term pain and discomfort – but there are ways to prevent it.

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COVID-19 : A Message to Our Valued Patients

You probably heard that the COVID-19/ coronavirus disease is now closer to home with cases not only in North Carolina but in Mecklenburg County. 

At Keith Clinic Estramonte Chiropractic, the health and wellness of our patients and our team members has always been a top priority. Given the current COVID-19 concerns, we have implemented additional precautionary steps to increase the safety of our patients and team members.

Office Sanitation.  All Keith Clinic locations are cleaned and sanitized daily to meet CDC guidelines as part of our normal business operations. In light of COVID-19, we’re increasing the frequency and extent of daily cleanings, and taking steps to ensure all offices have ample hygiene and sanitation supplies available. 

Patient Safety. To ensure the safety of our patients and staff we ask that any patient with the following symptoms please contact our office so you may assist you with rescheduling your visit: 

  • Fever over 101.3
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath

Employee Safety. Consistent with guidance from the CDC, we’re encouraging all employees to follow appropriate preventive actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory diseases, including staying home if they are feeling ill or believe they may be at risk. We’re also evaluating our paid leave policy to ensure our staff feel safe and supported if they need to miss work.

We understand the news may make you nervous, we encourage you to visit the CDC’s Website ( for up-to-date information on how to keep your family and yourself safe. Meanwhile, Keith Clinic Estramonte Chiropractic will continue to focus on keeping our employees and patients healthy—and our offices open and providing exceptional care to patients. 

Please know we are closely monitoring the situation and will follow recommendations issued by health authorities or government agencies as needed. 

Thank you for your continued support.

Common Causes of Worsening Sciatica Pain

If you have ever had sciatica pain, you know the frustration of trying to relieve that nagging, seemingly elusive shock down the back of your leg. It radiates down the sciatic nerve from your lower back to your hips, buttocks, and leg. Maybe the best way to prevent its return is understanding the common causes of worsening sciatica pain. Continue reading “Common Causes of Worsening Sciatica Pain”

Should You Exercise Through Lower Back Pain?

According to the American Physical Therapy Association, two thirds of Americans have lower back pain sometime during their lives. It’s what to do with and about that pain that matters.  Should you exercise through lower back pain? The common sense answer to you now may be:  if “it hurts when you do this,” then don’t do it.  

All joking aside, chronic lower back pain can result in a lot of adults losing time at work, and it can interfere with normal day to day activities. The last thing you want to do is exacerbate the injury and increase the pain.

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Ease Your Neck Pain with These Simple Exercises

With the advent of digital technology in the information age, there’s been a continual promise to make life wholly easier. Our devices are supposed to help us accomplish more in a shorter amount of time, and more importantly, access information efficiently. The catch? These same devices strain our necks, hurt our shoulders, hands, and wrists.

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